Sweden-Tyskland 68-64


Tournament is ended and i think all of us looking forward to go home-reloud-and have fun in Polen.   I look forward seeing few game in Telgehallen!  

1period: 17:16
2period: 17:13
3period: 20:18
4period: 14:17

Scorers: Lollo-24, Stefanie-13, Dani-8, Hanna-7,Jessica-5, Maria-4 & Pernilla-4.

Martina & Bibbi didnt play because of their injuries.  Martina hurt her groin, which requires few days of rest and Bibbi felt too much pain in her knee. So hopefully few days of rest will help their pain 'to dissapear'.

In the morning we had teori pass where girls had to draw offenses and than discuss in the groups.. I think it was very positive.  It is important to know the movement of all 5 players and what we are looking exactly in specific offense.  We had much better timing and more precis desicions. 

However, since we focused few practises on the offence, we were not sharp on defense.   I dont know what happened to our rules?..did we leave them hanging in the room when we left for the game??!    we opened the middle way too many times, lack of rotation, letting their post players to catch the ball inside too easy and allowing them to turn to the middle.   So, on wednesday we are back stressing defense and talking about its importance.

Rebounding: SWE 34  TYSK 30.   The reason we struggled in the fourth quater is that we had 8 TO in that period.  They put some full court pressure and we 'panicked' little.   We lost few baskets because of their very aggressive man-to-man defense.. That gave them a big boost.   But the reason we won the game was our strong fight under baskets.  15 rebounds in the last quater let us eliminate their second shot opportunities and few off.reb. gave us another run.   Dani and Pernilla deserves alot of credit grabbing rebounds like never before!!  
Total TO: 22. 

In all of those three games we finnish mentally strong and that gives us a big advantage.

So interesting to coach our girls.    


win against italy 53-52

Happy for the win but but......ok , i start from the beginning.

1period: 11-12 
2period: 9 - 12
3 period: 12-15
4 period: 20-14

Best scorers: Lollo- 16, 7reb, Hanna- 10, 10 reb, Stefanie-9, 2 reb, Martina - 6,4reb, Dani-6,2reb, Jessica-2, 3reb, Maria- 2, 1reb, Anna - 2, 5reb. Pernialla-3 reb, Kathleen-1reb.

The biggest worry I have as a coach tonight, is the quality in our offense.  That was the biggest obstacle tonight.  We did have good moments but too often we lacked discipline, clearity, responsibility for our actions.  The team is strong when all players on the floor knows what is expected and required from them.  Lack of disciple causes turnovers that leads into frustration.  Frustration takes energy and time and takes focus from more important things.  
We hade 24 turnovers compare to italy's 14. 

We dominated in rebounding.  That is very positive.  42-24.  Dennis was taking those stats..and i think he did very good job.  I think the running game is a beauty in basketball and we stressed that before the game.  I want us run and attack.  We had 16 possibilities on the fast break, which gave us 10 points, compare to their 8 attack which led to 4 points.

What i am really glad about is that at the end we come strong mentally again. That shows our capability to make right decision and finnish strong.   That could give us an advantage in EM.

I am happy we won and we had some great defensive stopps.   I enjoy so much being with them and teaching them.
Because i believe in them - I demand alot.  It is not ok to perform bellow our capabilities. 


p.s France beat Germany 77-53 tonight


Gym where we play and practise.  Nice. very close where we live.  just hot.  but summer is summer! we adjust.
tonight game against Italy.   Good luck U18 against Serbia!  You do your job and we do ours:)

frankrike-sverige 59-60..:)


First, congrats to our ladies U18 - 2 victories - keep it up girls!

Dramatic victory I must say.   

1 period: 13-23 ( very dominating start)
2 period: 16-14 (france dominated rebounding & got some points of their fast break)
3 Period: 18-10 (they continue their dominance in rebounding in both ends)
4 Period: 12-13

Best scorers:  Lollo-17, Stefanie - 13, Dani- 9, Bibbi- 8, Martina & Jessica- 5, Maria- 3.

The reason we had such as drama is our lacking numbers in rebounding. 
Frankrike: 21 offensive + 24 defensive = 45!           
Sweden:   9 offensive + 15 defensive = 24.....i dont think comments needed.

We gave them so many opportunities for second, third and even fourth shot.   unexceptable.
Because of their effort in crashing boards they created 12 points of their fast break.
 We were weak tonight in boxing out and gave out presents..like second shot opportunities.

Hanna deserves a big applaud..She came in in the second half like a tiger and showed the way by grabbing one rebound after another.  She was our leader when we really needed.

Their is no real protocol, so it is hard to know shot%.  But I assume ours was better and that allowed us to stay in the game & win.   Both teams in my eyes had appr. amount of TO.    Dennis kept rebounding & fast break stats of both teams.   In the second and third period, we rushed our shots, we lacked patience and discipline to make better decisions.  If we dont score, they dont score - that didnt happened.  France I think got more production of their big girls and some mismatches, most of their scoring came from inside or middle range.  

When there was 6 min. left and i think we were down by 1 or 2 points we went to 2x3 zone and it was very effective for us.  I think out of their 6 possessions against our zone, they scored once.   Game was tight  22 sec. left and lollo made both FT.  Frankrike takes timeout.  We foul one of their big girl with 3 sec. left.   She makes first and misses second.  Sweden gets rebound and the rest is already history.

It is all about EFFORT!   I think we won because of our players individual performance and making better decisions at the end, but I hope we have more tigers tomorrow ....


practise/game schedule in caorle,italy

2 july           15.00-16.30  practise

3 july           10.00-11.00  practise                     17.00    FRANCE - SWEDEN
4 july           12.00-13.00  practise                     19.00    ITALY - SWEDEN
5 july           09.00-10.00  practise                     17.00    SWEDEN - GERMANY

6 july   home sweet home!  

our arrival to italy, caorle

hi from Caorle, 65 km from Venice!

Our trip went well, and we where picked up!   Our hotel Metropol is only like 200 meters from the beach.
We have our own pool, but no internet.  Here they have very strick roles using and opening your account.  I am writing from other hotel and it is not that cheap..so if i make mistakes,sorry!

This morning we went for a walk (me and cicilia)..such as nice vacation place.

We practise 15.00-16.30 in the afternoon.  Girls got to swim and be in the sun for before lunch..
Tournament starts tomorrow....i cant wait.


Laddade upp bilderna på datan och det fanns några som det inte va censur på.. :)

The team

Kathleen and PJ

Dom fikar som vanligt

Bibbi som älskar nålar får akupunktur av Shirin

Kitty and Anna Nicole

I stan




Hollie Bollie / Jessica

Kul med blogg!

Eftersom jag inte varit med Er än är det jättekul att ta del av lagets arbete såhär!
Vi ses den 30/6.

Tredje vinst här i Bourge 78:60.

I was really pleased that Anna got to play in this game and got going!  However, Kathleen had some pain in her knee and rested tonight.

1period: 16-17
2period: 17-18
3period: 10-27(got really going)
4period: 17-16 (back to being nice girls:)

Best scorers: Maria-15, Jessica-11. Lollo-11, Helen-9, Hanna-8, Beata-6, Martina-5, Stefanie-5, Dani-4, Anna-2 & Pernilla-2.

All 11 players contributed with scoring and that is very positive thing.  Tonight Lollo, Stefanie & Dani got to play very limited time.  We started with Maria , Stefanie, Beata, Jessica & Dani.  It was interesting to see how we play without Lollo. We gave a starting position to Maria who had a pretty solid game.  I think we are growing in all aspects as the team.  We talked to french coaches before the game about playing some zone which both teams did in the second quater & little in the third.  In that regards friendly games a really good because we can talk to the oponent coach and ask him to do something what we need to work on and wise versa. 
Coaching, dealing with players, their emotions is a process, and at the moment it feels right.  I am thinking 24/7 and that is so different from a player:) The most important thing I find in coaching is understanding each other & listening to each other.  We all have things we can learn.  And I hope I never stopp doing it.



Vinst i andra matchen! 75:57

Tonight we were much stronger and more confident in both ends.   Almost all players got to play except Anna which is important in preparation period.  With rotation of 10 players (Kathleen played little time and hurt her knee, shirin says it is not serious) we used full court press the whole time.  I think press sets an aggressive tone and definitely keeps us in shape:)   On serious note, our rotation was better today.  Since we are stronger than France, the main focus is to keep quality in every possession and discipline ourselves.   The fourth period we got sloppy at the moment and we paid the price.  We got more points of fast break which in my eyes is a true beauty of running game.  I want us to be fast, aggressive and smart. 

1 period: 14:20 (leading)
2 period: 10:22 (increasing the lead)
3 period: 15:18 (looking too much at the scoring board)
4 period: 18:15 (team of sweden go too early on vacation!)

Best scores: Lollo 21, Stefanie 15, Jessica 12, Beata 7, Dani 6, Pernilla 6, Maria 3, Martina 2, Helen 2 & Hanna 1.

After the game girls went to lift some weights.  I love the attityde they possess.  They want, they don't complain.  Who said coaching is hard:)
Shirin, Axel and I, we were invited for the glass of wine by the director of this place after the game.   Were pleasant people.  Hospitality is great , we have all we need.  good night. lights are off !



Det svenska Damer-U20 landslaget är på träningsläger i Bourges, en liten stad ute på franska landsbygden. Staden har ett rikt kulturliv och en vacker stadskärna från medeltiden, vilket kanske kan förklara varför det franska uttrycket "bourgeois" betyder något i stil med "förmögen".

Här exempel på de smala gränderna och de traditionella korsvirkeshusen.

Le cathédral de Bourges är från 1200-talet och så stor att det behövdes två bilder.

Ett av stadens många typiska franska torg med träd, blommor och uteserveringar.

En till kyrka.

Ikväll spelade vi mot Frankrikes 90:or och vann med ganska klara siffror. Frankrike har följande upplägg på damsidan den här sommaren:

Årgångar 91-92, spelar U18 EM i Södertälje 2-12 juli

Spelar U19-VM med start 23 juli. 14 spelare ur årgång 90 tränar i Bourges sedan 5 dagar, uppskattningsvis 4 91:or ansluter efter U18 EM och bildar VM-truppen.

Spelar U20 EM i Gdansk 9-19 juli. Endast 89:or.

Tre mästerskap men endast ca 4 spelare som dubblar. Alltså är de med våra mått mätt lite bortskämda med bra spelare. Men det fattar man när man ser anläggningen vi bor och tränar i. Tydligen finns det en sån här i varje region i Frankrike.

Lägenheter, matsal, 2 stora hallar, utbildningsanläggning mm mm. Alltså typ som Bosön, men huvudsakligen avsedd för basket, gymnastik, BMX, boxning och friidrott.

Det svenska laget.

Första halvlek var trög för oss idag, vi förlorade den t o m med 1 poäng. I andra började vi hitta spelet, och sista quartern tog vi med 25-10. I morgon och på torsdag spelar vi igen mot samma lag.

A bientot.


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