Laddade upp bilderna på datan och det fanns några som det inte va censur på.. :)
The team
Kathleen and PJ
Dom fikar som vanligt
Bibbi som älskar nålar får akupunktur av Shirin
Kitty and Anna Nicole
I stan
Hollie Bollie / Jessica
Kul med blogg!
Vi ses den 30/6.
Tredje vinst här i Bourge 78:60.
1period: 16-17
2period: 17-18
3period: 10-27(got really going)
4period: 17-16 (back to being nice girls:)
Best scorers: Maria-15, Jessica-11. Lollo-11, Helen-9, Hanna-8, Beata-6, Martina-5, Stefanie-5, Dani-4, Anna-2 & Pernilla-2.
All 11 players contributed with scoring and that is very positive thing. Tonight Lollo, Stefanie & Dani got to play very limited time. We started with Maria , Stefanie, Beata, Jessica & Dani. It was interesting to see how we play without Lollo. We gave a starting position to Maria who had a pretty solid game. I think we are growing in all aspects as the team. We talked to french coaches before the game about playing some zone which both teams did in the second quater & little in the third. In that regards friendly games a really good because we can talk to the oponent coach and ask him to do something what we need to work on and wise versa.
Coaching, dealing with players, their emotions is a process, and at the moment it feels right. I am thinking 24/7 and that is so different from a player:) The most important thing I find in coaching is understanding each other & listening to each other. We all have things we can learn. And I hope I never stopp doing it.
Vinst i andra matchen! 75:57
Tonight we were much stronger and more confident in both ends. Almost all players got to play except Anna which is important in preparation period. With rotation of 10 players (Kathleen played little time and hurt her knee, shirin says it is not serious) we used full court press the whole time. I think press sets an aggressive tone and definitely keeps us in shape:) On serious note, our rotation was better today. Since we are stronger than France, the main focus is to keep quality in every possession and discipline ourselves. The fourth period we got sloppy at the moment and we paid the price. We got more points of fast break which in my eyes is a true beauty of running game. I want us to be fast, aggressive and smart.
1 period: 14:20 (leading)
2 period: 10:22 (increasing the lead)
3 period: 15:18 (looking too much at the scoring board)
4 period: 18:15 (team of sweden go too early on vacation!)
Best scores: Lollo 21, Stefanie 15, Jessica 12, Beata 7, Dani 6, Pernilla 6, Maria 3, Martina 2, Helen 2 & Hanna 1.
After the game girls went to lift some weights. I love the attityde they possess. They want, they don't complain. Who said coaching is hard:)
Shirin, Axel and I, we were invited for the glass of wine by the director of this place after the game. Were pleasant people. Hospitality is great , we have all we need. good night. lights are off !
U19 Frankrike - U20 Sverige 1 matchen
Yesterday we played our first game here in Bourges and won 66:52!!!
Their was no usual statistic available after the game except scorers.
1 period: 15-16
2 period: 12-9 (our weakest in this game)
3 period: 15-16
4 period: 10-25 (our full dominance)
All who contribute with the points: Lollo-13, Dani-11, Stefanie-11, Martina-10, Jessica-8, Kathleen-5, Hanna-4, Pernilla-2 and Helen- 2. Unfortunitely, Maria scored 3pointer but it doesn't say on statistics. They mixed it up.
Anna didnt play because of the strained foot. She will not play in tonights game either.
Every team has its style combined with different emotions, leaderships, skills and other spices. I want this team to fight together, to shine with attityde & effort. I always think that fighting spirit is so contagious. Basketball is a game, the ones who works hardest deserves fun, and no matter result, if we give everything we have, with the discipline, we are going to be a proud group of 12 players. A PROUD TEAM!
This trip to France is a part of our preparations where we continue to lay bricks in defense and offense. It is a process which I find it fascinated, interesting and educating. It is unbelievable how much satisfaction I get if girls do well, understand each other, play for each other, and have fun together.
Win is always a delight, however we still have a lot to improve. Today's morning practise went well. We had a dvd teori after lunch where girls got to see good and not so good things which we have to work on. Axel did a great job putting all wanted peaces together. We feel we are a team! That is a good start.
Greetings to you Dennis, I hope you feel better. Dennis got sick in our preparations before coming to france and couldnt travel with us.
tonight game 17:30!
Det svenska Damer-U20 landslaget är på träningsläger i Bourges, en liten stad ute på franska landsbygden. Staden har ett rikt kulturliv och en vacker stadskärna från medeltiden, vilket kanske kan förklara varför det franska uttrycket "bourgeois" betyder något i stil med "förmögen".
Här exempel på de smala gränderna och de traditionella korsvirkeshusen.
Le cathédral de Bourges är från 1200-talet och så stor att det behövdes två bilder.
Ett av stadens många typiska franska torg med träd, blommor och uteserveringar.
En till kyrka.
Ikväll spelade vi mot Frankrikes 90:or och vann med ganska klara siffror. Frankrike har följande upplägg på damsidan den här sommaren:
Årgångar 91-92, spelar U18 EM i Södertälje 2-12 juli
Spelar U19-VM med start 23 juli. 14 spelare ur årgång 90 tränar i Bourges sedan 5 dagar, uppskattningsvis 4 91:or ansluter efter U18 EM och bildar VM-truppen.
Spelar U20 EM i Gdansk 9-19 juli. Endast 89:or.
Tre mästerskap men endast ca 4 spelare som dubblar. Alltså är de med våra mått mätt lite bortskämda med bra spelare. Men det fattar man när man ser anläggningen vi bor och tränar i. Tydligen finns det en sån här i varje region i Frankrike.
Lägenheter, matsal, 2 stora hallar, utbildningsanläggning mm mm. Alltså typ som Bosön, men huvudsakligen avsedd för basket, gymnastik, BMX, boxning och friidrott.
Det svenska laget.
Första halvlek var trög för oss idag, vi förlorade den t o m med 1 poäng. I andra började vi hitta spelet, och sista quartern tog vi med 25-10. I morgon och på torsdag spelar vi igen mot samma lag.
A bientot.